From May 28 to 30, we held the first of two scheduled meetings for this year of the General Council of the Radical Party in Rome. In attendance during the work, which can be reviewed at www.radicalparty.org, were members of parliaments of various Nations, representatives of UNPO (Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization) and Radical activists that re-enlisted in or joined the Nonviolent Radical Party, Transnationaland Transparty, for the first time.
Among these: Antonio Bonfiglio, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Agriculture (Italy); Tonino Picula, Croatian Parliament, already Minister of Foreign Affairs; Demba Traore, Lawyer from Mali. Also in attendance were Vo Van Ai, Spokesperson for the Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam; Penelope Faulkner, Human Rights Activist for Vietnam; Maysing Yang, Vice President of the Foundation for Democracy in Taiwan; Artur Nura, Radical activist from Albania; Ermelinda Meski, Albanian Parliament member and Minister; Parliament members from Kosovo representing all the political parties there: Rita Hajrai-Bejgi, Mimoza Ahmetaj, Ibrahim Makolli, Behgjet Pacolli; Joe Batila of Cabinda; Humaira Rah man, Suraiya Makdoom and Hamida Waheed, of the Sind People of Pakistan; Marina Sikora, Radical Activist from Croatia; Dijana Plestina-Racan, Croatian diplomat; Abdul Oroh, Nigerian Parliament member and Regional Minister; Nfor Ngala Nfor and Georg Ebai of the National Council of Southern Cameroon; Cesare Romano, Professor of International Law at Loyola University of Los Angeles; as well as all the parliament member of the Sam Rainsy Party of Cambodia (the major opposition party the Hunsen Regime) including Sam Rainsy himself, Saumura Touilong and Son Chhay.
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At the conclusion of the meeting, there was a general motion establishing the goals and schedules of work for the upcoming weeks. Our friends and colleagues from Southeast Asia also prepared a proposal regarding Burma, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam.
The texts are below.
Best regards,
Marco Pannella, Maurizio Turco, Matteo Mecacci, Marco Perduca
The General Council held in Rome at the Senate of the Republic as well as at the Party’s head office from May 28 to May 30, 2010.
Noting the presentations of the Party’s leaders and the other presenters, in particular those hinging on human rights by Cesare Romano, Tullio Padovani and Emanuele Rebasti;.
Appreciating the extraordinary commitment of all concerned in participating for the entire length of the deliberation;
Taking note of the success of the first step in the formal, political and statutory process leading to the Congress of the Party, which step is aimed at overcoming the political crisis and the crisis in organization objectively flowing from the deterioration of international legality and worldwide democracy;
Reiterating its condemnation for the obvious and systematic illegality in the conduct of the UN and the EU which no longer respect their founding charters and are in a downward process of degeneration towards a so-called “real democracy” which no longer reflects the values of what has long been termed the “free world”;
Specifically denouncing the irresponsible and illegitimate conduct of international organizations in respect of countries and situations they have formally acknowledged to be undemocratic and in violation of the rule of law;
Echoing and endorsing the European Parliament’ solemn statement of May 8, 2008 based on Marco Cappato’s report on human rights which reads that “the European Parliament deems nonviolence the most adequate tool to ensure the full measure of enjoyment, affirmation and promotion of fundamental human rights, thereby holding that defending the right to engage in nonviolent action is a priority in promoting human rights and democracy by the European Union”;
Condemning that this important resolution of the European Parliament and the European Union has remained death letter; and
Lamenting the progressive burocratisation of both international and supernational authorities and their being often unutilized and ignored, which increases the overall levels of international lawlessness in respect of human rights protection already denounced by Winston Churchill in 1946 when he stated that “the Society of Nation did not fail on account of its values having been defeated, but on account of the neglect of such values by the very States which founded the Society. It failed because the governments at the time feared facing up to reality and act timely. We must not allow for this disaster to reoccur”.
Now therefore, the General Council
The General Council of the Nonviolent Radical Party, transnational and transparty (NRPtt), meeting in the Senate of the Italian Republic in Rome from 28-30 May 2010, is deeply concerned that many peoples of South East Asia, a region known for its economic growth, remain under totalitarian or authoritarian rule, deprived of basic political freedoms and rights.
In Burma, the military junta is preparing to hold unfair elections in an attempt to legitimize its unlawful regime. Nobel Peace prize laureate Daw Aung San Suu Kyi remains under house arrest, and her party, the National League for Democracy, has withdrawn from the elections in protest against the undemocratic process. In Cambodia, farmers are victims of illegal land confiscations, and opposition voices are stifled by means of threats, repression and sham trials. The case of opposition leader Sam Rainsy, condemned on trumped-up charges of border encroachment is a clear example. In Laos, the government stifles all democratic freedoms and ruthlessly represses the H’Mong minorities. In Vietnam, freedom of expression, opinion and religion are systematically abused, despite Vietnam’s adherence to key UN human rights treaties. Buddhist dissident Thich Quang Do is under house arrest after 28 years in detention for his nonviolent advocacy o f democracy and human rights. The indigenous Dega people, or Montagnards, suffer severe discrimination in Vietnam’s Central Highlands. Over 300 Christian Montagnards are detained for peacefully protesting government violence or expressing their religious beliefs, and many are victims of torture. Members of the Khmer Krom community are arrested, harassed and denied legitimate citizenship rights. These abuses are particularly disturbing given the establishment of the region’s very first human rights mechanism, the ASEAN Intergovernmental Human Rights Commission (AIHRC). As President of ASEAN in 2010 and Chair of the newly-formed AIHRC, Vietnam has a special responsibility to set an example in the promotion and respect of human rights. The General Council affirms the commitment of the Nonviolent Radical Party, transnational and transparty;
- In Italy to urge EU Special Representative to obtain unrestricted access to the Country also with the practice of nonviolence.
- in Burma, to demand the military junta to allow truly democratic elections to take place, ensuring a level playing field to all political parties, including the National League for Democracy, and immediately release Daw Aung San Suu Kyi;
- in Cambodia, to press the government to cease the unlawful suppression of opposition voices, and lift all charges against opposition leader and NRPtt General Council member Sam Rainsy;
- in Laos, to demand that the government puts an end to repression against the H’Mongs and initiates a process of democratic reform;
- in Vietnam, to press for political freedom and human rights, and extend full support to NRPtt partners and General Council members Vo Van Ai and Que Me: Action for Democracy in Vietnam in campaigning for the release of Buddhist leader Thich Quang Do and others detained for nonviolent advocacy of democracy and human rights; to Kok Ksor and the Montagnard Foundation (MFI) in demanding the end of persecution against the Montagnards and the release of 300 Montagnards prisoners; and the Khmer Krom Federation in its efforts for the freedom and respect of the Khmer Krom people.
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audiovideo de las enteras sesiones
del Consejo General
del Partido Radical Noviolento transnacional y transpartito,
celebradas en el Senado italiano y la sede del Partido
los días 28, 29 y 30 de mayo de 2010:
Primera Jornada:
-versión en inglés
-versión en italiano
sesión nocturna:
-versión en italiano
Segunda Jornada:
-versión en inglés
-versión en francés
-versión en italiano (mañana)
-versión en italiano (tarde)
Tercera Jornada:
-versión en inglés
-versión en francés
-versión en italiano
-en inglés
-en italiano
Consiglio Generale del Partito Radicale:
Il Consiglio Generale si svolge a Roma dal 28 al 30 maggio 2010.
Roma, 29 maggio 2010
Nel corso del Consiglio generale del PRT, il prof. Cesare Romano della Loyola Law School di Los Angeles, ha presentato una relazione sulle giurisdizioni internazionali in materia di diritti umani.
Si riporta di seguito la lettera con cui il prof Romano ha accompagnato un dossier esplicativo delle corti esistenti, delle procedure e dei Paesi aderenti.
Cari amici, vi invio una serie di informazioni sulla Corte e procedure relative ai diritti umani che potrebbero servire per affrontare i problemi dei diritti umani nei vostri paesi.
a) Stati contro cui i cittadini possono presentare reclami concernenti i diritti umani per violazioni di importanti trattati ONU.
b) con che frequenza e per quali paesi le principali procedure ONU relative ai diritti umani sono utilizzate
c) raccolta di informazioni essenziali sulle principali procedure relative ai diritti umani. Si tratta di una lista non esauativa: ci sono altri meccanismi, che non sono qui menzionati, tra i quali la Corte Africana dei diritti umani e dei Popoli, la Commissione Africana per i diritti umani, la Corte Ecowas, i meccanismi dell´ILO e quelli dell´Unesco, ecc.
Se doveste venire a conoscenza di violazioni di importanti trattati in merito ai diritti umani nel vostro Paese, e se quel Paese ha accolto la giurisdizione di una delle corti e/o procedure incluse in questo documento, vi prego di contattare me (cesare.romano@lls.edu) e/o gli amici del Partito Radicale.
Saremo lieti di assistere tutte le vittime nella ricerca di un rimedio giuridico utilizzando ogni assemblea internazionale disponibile.
prof. Cesare Romano
Loyola Law School Los Angeles
El precedente General Council of the Nonviolent Radical Party, 20/21/22-XI-2009, Rome:
31-V-10, radical.es
27-V-10, radical.es: debido a nuestra presencia en el Consejo General del Partido Radical Noviolento transnacional y transpartito, en Roma de viernes a domingo, retomaremos la actualización diaria de www.radical.es a partir del lunes, con la propia información de este Consejo, del que www.radioradicale.it suele transmitir en directo (y ofrece en diferido) todas las sesiones. ¡Buen fin de semana!