World Congress for Freedom of Scientific Research newsletter -18
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World Congress for Freedom of Scientific Research the bulletin
Number 18, November 2010
- UNESCO on human cloning, between concern and political hurdles. The Seventeenth (ordinary) session of International Bioethics Committee (IBC) and the joint session of IBC and the Intergovernmental Bioethics Committee (IGBC) were held consecutively from 25 to 29 October 2010 at UNESCO Headquarters. Three main topics were discussed during these meetings: human vulnerability and personal integrity; human cloning and international governance; traditional medicine and its ethical implications. Based on the Report of the IBC working group on human cloning and international governance, the meetings focused on the use of terminology and its ethical impact; different options for legal regulation of human reproductive cloning (including the possibility of a moratorium); and options for information activities concerning the issue of human cloning and its governance. IBC members were unequivocal in expressing concern that the recent scientific developm ents have raised a need for a binding international legal instrument. However, feedback by Member States of IGBC was indicative that the political hurdles that have prevented the realization of such instrument in the past are still in place. IBC will strive to finalize its follow up report on the issue for its next session in 2011. Read more.
- IVF regulation in Poland yet to be. According to Wanda Nowicka, President of the Polish Federation for Women and Family Planning, three bills on IVF were sent to the Parliamentary Commission on Health and Social issues last October. They will be discussed together with two other bills submitted by the Left in 2009. One bill – the most fundamentalist one, introducing criminal charges for performing IVF – was rejected by the Parliament. Due to local elections, not much should happen this year. The Parliament will only discuss until summer, since parliamentary elections will take place next fall. According to several MPs from ruling party, the Parliament will not adopt the law during this parliamentary term.
- Polish President signs government’s anti-drug bill into law. Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski signed legislation which puts a total ban on designer drug production and trading, and grants sanitation authorities the right to examine all suspicious substances at the producerīs cost. According to Gazeta Wyborcza it also allows sanitation personnel to close suspicious shops and plants, and imposes fines of 20,000 to 1 million zlotys.
- Treasurer of Luca Coscioni Association awarded LeaDer - Liberal Democrat Local and Regional Politicians Awards. On Monday 15 November Rocco Berardo, treaurer of Luca Coscioni Association and regional councilman of Region Lazio, was awarded a prize for Achievement in Opposition at regional level. The award was granted by ALDE Group - Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe in the framework of LeaDer - Liberal Democrat Local and Regional Politicians Awards. Read more.
News in brief: