Roma/Bruselas, 6 de mayo – Gracias al apoyo de Partido Radical a la iniciativa lanzada por uno de sus miembros en el Consejo General´, Vo Van Ai (Vicepresidente del Comité Vietnam por la defensa de los Derechos Humanos), 54 eminentes personalidades internacionales, entre los que se encuentran el Premio Nobel de la Paz, Maired Corrigan-Maguire, diputados del Parlamento Europeo, del Parlamento italiano, francés e inglés, así como del Congreso americano, han escrito conjuntamente a las autoridades vietnamitas para pedir el cese de la represión contra la Iglesia Unificada Budista, así como la liberación inmediata del Patriarca Supremo Tich Huyen Quang (88 años) y de Tich Quang Do (80 años). La iniciativa ha sido lanzada con ocasión de la Jornada de las Naciones Unidas del Vesak –la celebración más importante del calendario budista-, que por primera vez ha tenido lugar en Vietnam, en un clima de represión no sólo contra los budistas, sino contra todas las confesiones religiosas.
Vo Van Ai
Llamamiento del Partido Radical No Violento por el respeto de la libertad religiosa en Vietnam:
Mairead Corrigan-Maguire, Nobel Peace Prize laureate (Northern Ireland); Congressman Frank R. Wolf, co-chair of the Congressional Human Rights Caucus (USA); Bishop Vaclav Maly (Bishop of Prague, President of the Justice and Peace Commission of the Czech Bishops´Conference); Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld (Washington DC, USA); Nina Shea, Director, Hudson Institute Center for Religious Freedom, Commissioner, US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USA); Graham Watson (MEP, leader of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe); Marco Pannella (MEP, Italy); Edward McMillan-Scott (MEP, European Parliament Vice-President, UK); Luisa Morgantini (MEP, Vice-President of the European Parliament); Emma Bonino, Vice President of the Italian Senate; Marco Cappatto (MEP, Rappor! teur for Human Rights); Lord Avebury, Vice-Chair, Parliamentary Human Rights Group (UK); Professor Lord Alton of Liverpool (UK); Robert Evans (MEP, UK); Józef Pinior (MEP); Luca Romagnoli (MEP); Charles Tannock (MEP, UK); Kinga Gál (MEP, Hungary); Marco Perduca (Senator, Italy); Donatella Poretti (Senator, Italy); Roberto Della Sete, (Senator, Italy); Maurizio Turco (MP, Italy); Matteo Meccaci (MP, Italy); Maria Antonietta Farina Coscioni (MP, Italy); Rita Bernardini (MP, Italy); Elisabetta Zamparutti (MP, Italy); Marco Beltrandi (MP, Italy); Andrea Sarubbi (MP, Italy); Renato Farina (MP, Italy); Giovanni Fava (MP, Italy); Noel Mamère (MP, France); Son Chhay (MP, Cambodia); The rese Jebsen, Executive Director, Rafto Foundation (Norway); Arne Liljedahl Lynngard, Chairman, Rafto Prize Committee (Norway); Tina Lambert, Christian Solidarity Worldwide; Julia Doxat-Purser, European Evangelical Alliance; Venerable Katsuyuki Imoto, Catuddisa Sangha, Japan; Jennifer Windsor, Executive Director, Freedom House (USA); Kok Ksor, President of the Montagnard Foundation; Bob LaGamma, Executive Director, Council for a community of Democracies; Daniela Lucia Rapisarda, Coordinator of the Norwegian Ecumenical Peace Platform of the Christian ; Council of Norway; Overseas Office of the Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam: Most Venerable Thich Ho Giac, President; Venerable Thich Vien Ly, Secretary General; Most Venerable Thich Nu Nguyen Thanh, Treasurer; Most Venerabl! e Thich Chanh Lac, Commissioner General for Internal and Dharma Affairs; Vo Van Ai, Commissioner general for International Relations; Reverend Thich Giac Duc, Commissioner general for Planning; Most Venerable Thich Tri Lang, Commissioner general for Social Affairs; Most Venerable Thich Chon Tri, Commissioner for Education; Venerable Thich Giac Dang, Commissioner general for Information; Most Venerable Thich Huyen Viet, Commissioner general for Youth; Venerable Thich Phuoc Nhon, Commissioner general for Financial Affairs (Australia); Most Venerable Thich Tri Minh, Commissioner general for Europe; Most Venerable Thich Thien Tam, Commissioner general for Canada.
30-V-08, A.Russomando, radicalfax