Hoy (24-X-08) ha tenido lugar en Roma, en la sede del Partido Radical Noviolento, un encuentro de Marco Pannella con Maryam Rajavi, presidenta del Consejo Nacional de la Resistencia Iraní, en el curso de la cual se han tratado en particular la necesidad de la cancelación de la Organización de los Mujahidin del Pueblo Iraní de la lista europea de las organizaciones terroristas (pedida por la Corte de Justicia europea de Luxemburgo) y la emergencia humanitaria en la base de Ashraf, localidad iraquí donde se encuentran cerca de 3.500 exiliados iraníes. Queste persone, disarmate, sono attualmente sotto protezione delle forze della coalizione internazionale ai sensi della IV Convenzione di Ginevra, ma si teme per il prossimo passaggio della zona sotto il controllo diretto del governo iracheno, sul quale il regime di Teheran esercita una forte pressione. Marco Pannella ha avanzato la richiesta di coltivare un dialogo con le forze e le personalità interne ed esterne al regime, nazionali e internazionali, che per qualsiasi motivo manifestino propositi e obiettivi di democratizzazione delle istituzioni e della società dell'Iran perché diventi uno Stato di diritto rispettoso dei principi fondamentali fatti propri dalla comunità internazionale. All'incontro con la signora Rajavi, accompagnata da una folta delegazione del Consiglio Nazionale della Resistenza Iraniana, hanno partecipato i deputati radicali Elisabetta Zamparutti e Matteo Mecacci, il parlamentare europeo Marco Cappato, il segretario di Nessuno tocchi Caino Sergio D'Elia e Antonio Stango, del Comitato Nazionale di Radicali Italiani.
27-X-08, notizieradicali
The European Court of First Instance verdict on Thursday (23 October) dissolved a decision taken by EU states in December 2007 to keep the PMOI on its blacklist, saying UK evidence against the group was invalid.
The terrorist register names over 60 organisations, resulting in international stigma, a freeze on EU financial assets and a ban on fund-raising.
It is managed by EU member state intelligence services meeting in a "clearing house" working group with no political or judicial oversight and with their decisions later rubber-stamped by EU ministers as EU "common positions."
The court's Thursday decision on the PMOI does not apply to a subsequent common position of July 2008, with EU member states saying that "new information concerning the group has been brought to the Council's attention [that] warrants the group's inclusion on the list."
The PMOI has appealed the July move as well, but the court is unlikely to issue a new verdict before the clearing house refreshes the list again in November or December, perpetuating the legal cycle.
The EU court in 2006 had already annulled a previous common position of 2005.
The PMOI and its Paris-based sister group, the National Resistance Council of Iran (NRCI) have been battling clearing house for six years.
The Iran group - which was responsible for bombings and attacks against the Islamic regime in Iran in the 1980s and 1990s - renounced violence in 2001 and now claims to represent the strongest pro-democratic voice in the country today.
NRCI leader Maryam Rajavi accuses the EU and US - which also calls PMOI a terrorist organisation - of restricting the Mujahedin to curry favour with Tehran in nuclear proliferation talks.
Meanwhile, Iranian diplomats say the PMOI-NRCI organisation is a dangerous Rajavi-personality cult mistrusted by ordinary Iranians, which should not be let off the hook for past actions.