qué sigue para Sudán tras la destitución de su líder desde hace treinta años

Qué sigue para Sudán tras la destitución de su líder desde hace treinta años. Omar al Bashir, quien está acusado de delitos de lesa humanidad ante la Corte Penal Internacional y enfrentaba fuertes protestas desde diciembre, fue forzado a dimitir ayer por el ejército sudanés. Lee nuestro recuento de cómo Al Bashir llegó al poder y los eventos que produjeron su caída.

Sudan’s military takes control

The country’s defense secretary, Lt. Gen. Awad Mohamed Ahmed Ibn Auf, announced a two-year transition period after the military ousted President Omar Hassan al-Bashir on Thursday, ending his 30-year authoritarian rule in the face of mass street protests.
Mr. al-Bashir, 75, is wanted by the International Criminal Court in connection with a genocide in the Darfur region that killed hundreds of thousands of people.
What’s next: Protesters’ jubilation has been tempered by uncertainty about the future. The military dissolved the government and suspended the Constitution. A curfew between 10 p.m. and 4 a.m. is in effect. The defense minister who took over had also been accused of perpetrating war crimes and was a confidant of Mr. al-Bashir.

Go deeper: Mr. al-Bashir has long promoted a folksy image at home that was a jarring contrast with his image in the West, where he was seen as a heartless warmonger and as a coddler of terrorists like Osama bin Laden.

12-IV-19, TNYTimes