propuestas de Ley Electoral Europea

A Newropeans’ unique European Electoral law proposal

The first transEuropean political movement for the democratisation of the European Union. This group has made an own proposal for the European elections: A Newropeans' unique European Electoral law proposal



Following the Newropeans' proposal to elect 50% of MEPs on trans-european lists and 50% on

national or regional lists a fair Newropeans' proposal could be to maintain a double system which

would be set as follow:

1.A trans-european part based on 27 national constituencies (1 per country), half of the MEPs

will be therefore elected on trans-european lists presenting candidates in every country,

2.A national / regional part based on national or regional constituencies depending on the will of

member states, where half of MEPs will be elected on national or regional basis.

2. Electoral system

Newropeans is in favor of open lists of candidates.

Political parties / organisations propose lists of candidates and decide on the order on the list.Voters

can then influence the order of the list and have both the possibility to vote for the list or individual

candidates of the list: The candidates having more votes are the first of the list to be elected.

Individual candidates independent of any party / organisation or association are authorised.


3.1Entitled to vote

Following Newropeans' proposal on the age of vote, every citizen of the EU can vote from the age

of 16 years old to the European elections, in particular to ensure a better representativity of citizens

in our growing older countries.

Any European citizen who is registered on due time (upon national rules) on electoral lists of one

member state can vote in this country. One European citizen can only vote in one country.

3.2Vote compulsory or not

Vote is not compulsory for European elections.

3.3How to vote

Possibilities to vote must be as large as possible and ensured by member states upon their own

national rules and uses. E-vote should be allowed as a complement to classical voting procedures

but only with secured procedures and paper tracks of citizens'votes.

3.4Conditions of residence to vote

No condition of residence should apply to vote in any European country. Any European citizen who

is registered on due time (upon national rules) on electoral lists of one member state can vote in this

country. One can vote in one country only.

4. Candidature

Any candidate over 18 years old can be a candidate in any of the European country if he is

registered on due time on electoral lists of this country.

Newropeans' working paper


One Newropeans' common European Electoral law – Proposal - 01032010

Candidates are not allowed to stand on more than one list, may it be a national / regional or transeuropean


5. Polling day

5.1 Same day of election in all member states

Elections of the European parliament should take place the same day with the obligation to not

issue results from the elections before each country has closed the elections.

5.2 Other elections on the same day


No other vote, except transeuropean referendums, should be allowed the same day nor before or

after 1 month of the day of European elections, this to guarantee that European elections importance

is not hidden by any other non european election purpose.

5.3 Advance voting

Advance voting is authorised by mail only. Mails must be open and counted the day of the election

by relevant committees.

6. Nomination of candidates

6.1 Requested signatures

A set number of citizens signatures should be collected to authorise any organisation, party,

independent candidate to run for EU elections. Based on a symbolic and fair number of signatures.

Newropeans' proposes that this threshold be proportional to the number of seats granted by country

and constituency following the example of Germany, the most populous Member State, where 4000

signatures are requested countrywide.

Following the German case the total amount of signatures requested by lists of candidates within a

country should not exceed 4000 for a country.

One citizen is allowed to give his / her signature to several parties.

A Transeuropean list is requested to collect citizens signatures in as many countries where

candidates are registered as candidates.

6.2 Requested number of candidates

No requested number of candidates per lists.

6.3 Registration deadline

Registration of candidates is made at last 1 month before the elections, to ensure to European

citizens a sufficient and fair time to evaluate every list of candidates.

6.4 Organisations allowed to present candidates

Any party, organisation or independent candidate is authorised to present a candidate or list of

candidate. Sole conditions are those forecast previously for every list of candidates.

6.5 Fees and deposits to election expenses

No deposit is requested to European elections.

Newropeans' working paper


One Newropeans' common European Electoral law – Proposal - 01032010

7. Distribution of seats

7.1 Threshold or not

There should be no votes' threshold for obtaining seats in the European Parliament.

7.2 Counting method used

The D'Hondt method is used to count votes.

8. Incompatibilities (others than 1976 European act)

No other political representation is allowed for a MEPs.

9. Regulation concerning the electoral campaign

9.1 Medias

Equal treatment of all parties in order that all parties have an equal access to medias must be the

rule, considering that they filled the prerequisites to be officially qualified... (collecting the

requested number of citizens signatures..).

Private broadcasts have to be forbidden / or strictly limited (set and reasonable financial ceiling).

Equal treatment must be granted too for the time being allocated to every candidate when invited in

media broadcasts!

9.2 Opinions polls restrictions

Opinion polls (making and displaying) are forbidden from 1 week before the elections.

9.3 Last of the official campaign

If one considers an 'official campaign period' is necessary in particular to rule conditions of

broadcasting for parties on public medias / and equal treatments of parties over a relevant and

reasonable period of time to campaign, this period starts the day of last day enabled to register lists

of candidates, therefore 1 month before the day of the elections.

9.4 Funding the election and ceiling

European subsidies to European parties

A new definition of a European party

The qualification of trans-european or so called 'European party' must be revised in order to ensure

a fair financial access to those trans-european parties having not elected candidates yet. In particular

the legal qualification of European party must include those parties or coalition of parties having

presented candidates already in at least 3 countries under the same name and with the same


Subsidising European parties

One EU budget should be allocated to found real trans-european parties, in particular emerging

parties and / or trans-european parties. This budget granted for the operational work of any

European party, is allocated every year from the moment when a so called European party complies

with the terms of a European party.

This budget must be accessible on equal basis for every trans-european party and must foster new

trans-european emerging forces. While 80% of subsidies are allocated to those European parties

Newropeans' working paper


One Newropeans' common European Electoral law – Proposal - 01032010

having already elected candidates, 20% of subsidies are dedicated to emerging European parties

only. A set amount of money is granted per vote obtained.

Private funding

Ceiling by vote should be the norm. A set maximum amount of money per total votes within the

country can be received by political parties to finance EU elections. These total amount of votes are

regional or national upon constituencies in where lists of candidates present.

National public funding

Conditions of vote and promotion next to citizens must be exclusively financed by national states

(ballots and promotional flyers sent with ballots)! This to ensure a fair and democratic access of all

citizens to European elections.

A European refunding based on electoral results

A European budget is forecast to refund states for ensuring a basic access to all lists of candidates to

EU elections. This refunding is based on the rate of participation at EU elections, this to ensure that

everything is made by member states to ensure a maximal participation to these crucial elections for

a strong democracy in the EU.

9.5 Refunding

A set refunding should be forecast for any political party having presented candidates and

campaigned. In particular to those having not one candidate elected (like in Portugal). No threshold

but a set amount of money per vote obtained should be the rule considering that parties being

refunded have been qualified to run for elections (signatures requested).

These refunding will be ensured by member states for regional and national lists of candidates and

the European union for European parties (see above conditions to be declared a European party).

10. Validation of electoral results

The validation of votes is validated by national institutions as every list runs first in national or

regional constituencies. The European Union approves results of trans-european lists.

Newropeans' working paper









One Newropeans' common European Electoral law – Proposal - 01032010


A Newropeans' unique European Electoral law


1. Distribution of seats