Pacto Ribbentrop-Mòlotov, la libertad europea contra las cuerdas
El pacto Ribbentrop-Mólotov, después del Acuerdo de Munich, reparte toda la Europa oriental entre las dos potencias totalitarias, que provocan el inicio de la Segunda Guerra Mundial al invadir, y repartirse, Polonia.
- 1 Background
- 2 Negotiations
- 3 Secret protocol
- 4 Revelation
- 5 Consequences in Finland, Poland, the Baltic States and Romania
- 5.1 Initial invasions
- 5.2 Modification of secret protocols
- 5.3 Soviet war with Finland and Katyn massacre
- 5.4 Soviet Union occupies the Baltic states and part of Romania
- 5.5 Beginnings of Operation Tannenberg and other Nazi atrocities
- 5.6 Romania and Soviet republics
- 5.7 Further secret protocol modifications settling borders and immigration issues
- 6 Soviet–German relations
- 7 Termination
- 8 Aftermath
- 9 Remembrance and response
- 10 See also
- 11 Notes
- 12 Citations and references
- 13 External links