NPWJ: UN General Assembly Adopts Worldwide Ban on Female Genital Mutilation (II)

NPWJ press releases

UN Ban on FGM heralded as an historic step across the world
21 December 2012

UN General Assembly Adopts Worldwide Ban on Female Genital Mutilation
New York, 20 December 2012

Ban FGM Coalition: Watch in live stream the vote on the UN Resolution to ban FGM worldwide
New York, 19 December 2012

Bahrain: NPWJ condemns arrest of Said Yousif Almuhafda and other human rights defenders and calls for their immediate release
Brussels – Rome - New York, 18 December 2012

No Peace Without Justice organises training for Judges and Prosecutors in Benghazi
Benghazi, 11-13 December 2012

9th Forum for the Future Ministerial meeting: NPWJ calls for enhanced support to human rights and democracy activists to foster political reforms in the MENA region
Tunis, 11-13 December 2012

NPWJ Secretary General meets with the Tunisian Minister of Human Rights and Transitional Justice
Tunis, 12 December 2012

Khady Koita granted "Defender of Democracy Award" for her commitment to women’s rights and advocacy for a worldwide ban on female genital mutilation
Rome, 11 December 2012

7th session of the Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the ICC and the Rule of Law: Celebrating 10 years of the Rome Statute
Rome, Chamber of Deputies, Parliament of Italy, 10-11 December 2012

No Peace Without Justice: Italy can finally fully cooperate with the ICC
Rome, 5 December 2012

NPWJ calls for a Worldwide Ban on Female Genital Mutilation at the Trust Women Conference
London, 4-5 December 2012

Mauritania/UNPO: roundtable discussion with Biram Dah Abeid on the fight against slavery and discrimination
Brussels, 4 December 2012

Ban FGM Campaign: Draft resolution adopted by the UNGA Third Committee is a landmark step in global efforts to put an end to this human rights violation
New York-Brussels-Rome, 26 November 2012

International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women: mobilisation of Italian citizens in support of a universal ban on Female Genital Mutilation
Rimini, Italy, 25 November 2012

 NPWJ in the news

L'ONU vota il bando alle mutilazioni genitali femminili
Cecilia Zecchinelli, Corriere della Sera, 21 December 2012

Mutilazioni genitali / intervista a Niccolò Figà-Talamanca sul voto di oggi. Finalmente la condanna dell’Onu
Di Stefano Vaccara, America Oggi, 20 December 2012

L’ONU appelle à l’interdiction mondiale des mutilations génitales féminines
Emma Bonino, Le Soir, 20 December 2012

NGOs mull impact of UN call for global ban on FGM
TrustLaw / Reuters, Lisa Anderson, 20 December 2012

Risoluzione ONU / Emma Bonino: "L'orgoglio di aver difeso le donne"
Il Tempo, 20 December 2012

Onu, risoluzione contro le mutilazioni genitali femminili
Rai News, 20 December 2012

Onu/Bando mutilazioni donne, Bonino: Vittoria su pratica nefasta - Khady Koyta: "Dopo 27 anni di lotta ho realizzato un sogno"
Il Mondo, 20 December 2012

Le mutilazioni genitali femminili messe al bando all'ONU: 10 anni di lotte
Cecilia Zecchinelli, Il Corriere della Sera, 20 December 2012

United Nations unanimously calls for a global ban on female genital mutilation
CBC News (Canada), 20 December 2012

Approvata la risoluzione contro le mutilazioni genitali
MISNA - Missionary International Service News Agency, 20 December 2012

IHT Global Opinion By Emma Bonino: Banning Female Genital Mutilation
International Herald Tribune, 19 December 2012

Dopo 14 anni l'Italia si adegua alla Corte penale internazionale
By Emma Bonino, Huffington Post, 7 December 2012

Iraq: Soldi ben spesi
Niccolo Figa-Talamanca, Segretario di "Non c'e' pace senza giustizia", Libero, 1 December 2012

I consiglieri provinciali firmano per la campagna 'No peace without justice'
By Altrarimini, 28 November 2012

Adoption of the draft resolution “Intensifying Global Efforts for the elimination of female genital mutilation” by the UNGA Third Committee
Press Review, 28 November 2012

I consiglieri provinciali firmano per la campagna 'No peace without justice'
By, 28 November 2012

Provincia, i consiglieri firmano per la campagna "No peace without justice"
Romagna Gazzette, 28 November 2012

UN draft resolution a landmark step in global efforts to end FGM
APA (African Press Agency), 27 November 2012

UN takes step closer toward official ban on FGM
By Lisa Anderson, TrustLaw, 26 November 2012

UN committee calls for ban on female circumcision
By Edith M. Lederer, Associated Press, 26 November 2012

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You have the power — by joining us, volunteering, and donating — to support our work for the protection and promotion of human rights, democracy, the rule of law and international justice around the world.

Your contributions will make a real difference and help us in our endeavour to promote accountability and redress for the victims of crimes under international law, to support women’s rights advocates in their fight against Female Genital Mutilation as one of the most widespread and systematic violations of the human right to personal integrity, and to support the role of human rights and democracy activists in the Middle East and North Africa Region.

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