I nuovi accordi di Minsk e le dinamiche sul terreno Riccardo Pennisi - Old Continent - 23/2/2015 |
La stretta di mano fugace e appena accennata tra Vladimir Putin e Petro Porochenko il 12 febbraio traduce alla perfezione la fragilità dell'accordo raggiunto a Minsk... Read more ››
Misunderstanding ordinary Russians and the failure of sanctions Ivan Nechepurenko - Old Continent - 23/2/2015 |
Despite inflicting severe pain on the economy, and therefore on ordinary Russians, sanctions imposed by Western states on Moscow over the Ukraine crisis have had the opposite effect: instead of weaken... Read more ››
Ukraine’s ambiguous future: success story or failed state? Oleksiy Semeniy - Old Continent - 23/2/2015 |
The Ukraine crisis has already substantially changed not only Ukraine and some of its neighbors, but the European security system, and possibly the international system as a whole... Read more ››
How Obama knows arming the Ukrainians is a bad idea John C. Hulsman - Old Continent - 23/2/2015 |
As is true of most calamities, the utterly ineffective Western response to President Vladimir Putin's aggression in Ukraine allows for a lot of blame to be spread around... Read more ››
La Santa Sede e la guerra in Ucraina Ignazio Ingrao - Old Continent - 23/2/2015 |
“Guerra fratricida” o “aggressione della Russia”? L'atteggiamento fin qui tenuto al riguardo dell’attuale conflitto in Ucraina ha attirato diverse critiche alla diplomazia vaticana... Read more ››