condena de exilio para poder vivir la propia muerte

La decisión de la BBC de emitir anoche un reportaje que incluye el suicidio asistido del multimillonario hotelero británico Peter Smedley, de 71 años, que en diciembre pasado puso fin a su vida en la clínica suiza Dignitas, levantó ayer una nueva polémica en el Reino Unido, donde el debate público sobre la eutanasia y su difusión en los medios públicos está muy abierto.

Peter Smedley y su esposa

El documental Eligiendo morir muestra imágenes de Smedley tomando una dosis letal de barbitúricos en la clínica suiza que en los últimos doce años ha ayudado a morir a más de 1.000 personas. El reportaje ha sido dirigido por el escritor Terry Pratchett, que sufre alzheimer y es partidario de la eutanasia.

sir Terry Pratchett

El programa comienza cuando Smedley abandona su domicilio en el Reino Unido y declara a Pratchett: "Mi estado se ha deteriorado hasta el punto de que necesito marcharme bastante pronto". El documental termina con las imágenes de Smedley ingiriendo una dosis de Nembutal con la ayuda de chocolate, tras lo cual comienza a respirar con mucha dificultad y llama a su esposa Christine, con la que estuvo casado 40 años, que le agarra de la mano.

Durante sus últimos momentos, uno de los empleados de la clínica dice ante la cámara: "Está perdiendo el conocimiento. En breve la respiración se detendrá y después lo hará el corazón". Pratchett añade: "Esto ha sido un acontecimiento feliz. Ha muerto tranquilo, más o menos en los brazos de su mujer, discretamente".

La cadena pública británica ha estado en el foco del debate estos días entre partidarios y detractores de la eutanasia. El reportaje con el suicidio asistido de Smedley es el quinto programa que emite la BBC en los últimos tres años protagonizado por quienes creen necesario regular la posibilidad de que un enfermo terminal pueda morir por su propia voluntad.

Como ocurre siempre en estos casos, la emisión ha sido criticada por diversas organizaciones, que han acusado a la BBC de promover el suicidio asistido y de alentar a que otras personas sigan los pasos de Smedley.

La BBC aseguró que el programa defiende todos los puntos de vista sobre la controversia, lo que permite a los espectadores formarse un opinión.

La organización pro eutanasia Dignity in Dying (dignidad al morir) cree que "censurar el debate no hará nada para ayudar a aquellas personas que sufren de manera intolerable", según una portavoz. En cambio, Care Not Killing Alliance (alianza para cuidar, no matar) calificó el programa de la BBC "de propaganda en favor del suicidio asistido disfrazada de reportaje", según su portavoz, Alistair Thompson.

14-VI-11, agcs, lavanguardia

Mr Smedley, a millionaire hotelier and scion of the Smedley’s tinned food empire, had been such an intensely private man that none of the recipients had known in advance that he had planned his own assisted suicide and travelled to the Dignitas clinic in Switzerland to end his life.

But the greater surprise was still to come, when Mr Smedley’s friends were joined at his memorial service by a BBC crew who had filmed the 71-year-old’s final moments for a controversial new documentary by Sir Terry Pratchett, the author and campaigner.

“We didn’t know until after the event that he had gone to Dignitas, and we didn’t know about the film until we went to the memorial service and the film crew was there,” one of his closest friends said last night.

Mr Smedley, who was suffering from motor neurone disease, is referred to only as “Peter” in the BBC2 film, Choosing to Die, which will be broadcast on Monday.

Until now, his full identity has remained a secret, but his friends have told The Daily Telegraph of his determination to help change the law on assisted suicide and paid tribute to his courage.

“Peter was an extremely private man and not someone that would want to share most things,” said a close friend, who asked not to be named. “But clearly he wanted to change the law.

“I think he was very keen for people in that predicament to be able to make a decision on when to end their lives, and you can’t do that in England because your wife or spouse isn’t allowed to help, and it’s a terrible thing to have to go to Switzerland.

“He would have wanted to die in his own bedroom or his own sitting room.”

Unknown to all but his closest family, Mr Smedley invited Sir Terry to accompany him and his wife Christine, 60, to the Dignitas clinic in Switzerland, where he drank poison and died on Dec 10 last year.

His death will be the first assisted suicide to be screened on terrestrial television in the UK.

Sir Terry, who has campaigned for the legalisation of assisted suicide since he was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease, said in an interview this week that he was sure Mr Smedley would still be alive if he had been able to kill himself in his own home, rather than having to go to Switzerland while he was still fit enough to travel.

“I’m sure that’s true,” said his friend. “I’m sure both he and his wife would have preferred it if he could have made the decision to die here.”

Mr Smedley grew up on his family’s farms in East Anglia, where he would help pick the peas that Smedley’s were famous for before the brand eventually became part of Premier Foods.

As a young man he moved to South Africa, where he became a pilot and flew a single-engined aircraft across the continent, before moving back to England and establishing a property empire.

After marrying Christine in 1977, with whom he later had a daughter, now aged 20, the couple bought Ston Easton Park in Somerset from William Rees-Mogg, the former editor of the Times, and converted it into a luxury hotel.

Within a year of it opening in 1982 it was named Hotel of the Year by the food critic Egon Ronay, and they later established it as a major venue for horse trials.

The couple retired to Guernsey in 2000, where Mr Smedley was diagnosed with motor neurone disease two years ago.

“A lot of his friends didn’t know he had been diagnosed with it to begin with,” said his friend. “He didn’t want people to feel sorry for him.

“He did a lot of research into motor neurone disease and knew there was no cure and that it leads to a horrible death and a ghastly future to face. He would have ended up suffocating and that’s obviously what he wanted to avoid.”

In an interview in this week’s Radio Times, Sir Terry said of Mr and Mrs Smedley: “They are of a class and type that gets on with things and deals with difficulties with a quiet determination.”

Moments before Mr Smedley died, said Sir Terry: “I shook hands with Peter and he said to me ‘Have a good life’, and he added ‘I know I have’.”

When a Dignitas worker asked him if he was ready to drink the poison that would end his life, Mr Smedley said “Yes” and added: “I’d like to thank you all.”

Sir Terry said that as he was doing this, Mr Smedley became embarrassed because he could not remember the name of the sound man.

“And that’s what puts your mind in a spin,” he added. “Here is a courteous man thanking the people who have come with him to be there and he’s now embarrassed, at the point of death, because he can’t remember the soundman’s name.

“This is so English…it also seemed to me with his wife that there was a certain feeling of keeping up appearances.”

After Mr Smedley died, said Sir Terry: “I was spinning not because anything bad had happened but something was saying, ‘A man is dead... that’s a bad thing,’ but somehow the second part of the clause chimes in with, ‘but he had an incurable disease that was dragging him down, so he’s decided of his own free will to leave before he was dragged.’ So it’s not a bad thing.”

Days later, Mr Smedley’s friends received their letters.

“He wrote about how much we meant to him, and it was a very gentlemanly, very sweet and dignified thing to do, typical of him really,” said his friend.

“I think it was amazingly brave of Peter and Christine to do what they did.”

On Monday the BBC, which has been accused of becoming a “cheerleader” for assisted suicide, defended its decision to show Mr Smedley’s death in the film.

Sir Terry hopes it will persuade the government to think again about the law on assisted suicide, and advocates a system of doctors being able to prescribe take-home suicide kits to enable terminally-ill people to choose the right moment to end their lives.

Christine Smedley said last night she did not want to discuss her husband’s death.

7-VI-11, G. Rayner, telegraph